جام Shampoo:
Are you looking for a way to get natural hair without damaging it? If so, Gam cofe is the perfect solution. Gam cofe is a revolutionary hair smoothing system that uses organic and natural ingredients to help you get the look you desire without damaging your hair. With its unique blend of natural oils and herbal extracts, it helps nourish and protect your hair while giving it a glossy shine. It also helps repair damage caused by styling products and heat styling tools. So, if you want to get beautiful, healthy-looking hair without compromising on quality, then Gam cofe is the right choice for you!
GAM Cofe shampoo helps nourish the hair so that it looks strong, thick, soft, and shiny, as the shampoo penetrates and glides in harmony with the hair, instantly smoothing it.
يحتوي هذا الشامبو على مجموعة من المكونات الطبيعية مثل:
Black Seed Extract, helps improve hair growth by nourishing the hair, resulting in strong hair.
Honey: a natural moisturizer full of antioxidants and nutrients that are good for hair follicles.
وخلاصة إكليل الجبل تساعد على تنعيم وإصلاح الشعر التالف.
Aloe vera extract: a natural moisturizer, that strengthens hair and improves its shine.
D- بانثينول: يساعد على الاحتفاظ بالرطوبة وزيادة كثافة الشعر