Organic sun cream from Gam brand is a great way to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays. never exposed to harsh chemicals anymore. It is made with natural ingredients that are gentle on the skin and provide effective protection from the sun’s rays. Gam Organic sun cream is also environmentally friendly, as it doesn’t contain any synthetic chemicals or preservatives. With our organic sun cream, you can enjoy a worry-free day in the sunshine.
knowing that your skin is being protected naturally.
Our healing solution for the scorching summer sun with GAM Sun 50 cream. It has a special composition and Intensive Protection of the skin from the long and medium ultraviolet rays of the sun. and it also protects the skin from sunburn and pigmentation.
It contains components that protect the skin from harmful sunlight and absorb UV and UV rays such as:
octyl methoxycinnamate, octocrylene, octyl salicylate afubenzone and oxybenzone
also, it contains reflective/ scattering components such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide.
المادة الفعالة
أوكتيل ميثوكسيسينامات ، أوكتوكريلين ، أوكتيل
الساليسيلات ، أفوبنزون ، أوكسي بنزون ، التيتانيوم
ثاني أكسيد ، د-بانثينول ، بيسابولول ، فيتامين هـ
We here in Organic Ultra LLC, source only the best organic product and the best price and quality so you don’t have to lose time and resources in doing so.
With this Gam Sun Craem , you can be sure that your skin gets the best possible care.